Mars Explorers Spirit

The Spirit of John Wesley Powell should be happy – the famous one-armed regiment of geologists arrived. More than a hundred years have passed since Powell led an expedition in three boats past the Grand Canyon. While the other planets were just a blur in the lenses of telescopes, and about space travel, few even dreamed of.

The Spirit of John Wesley Powell should be happy – the famous one-armed regiment of geologists arrived. More than a hundred years have passed since Powell led an expedition in three boats past the Grand Canyon. While the other planets were just a blur in the lenses of telescopes, and about space travel, few even dreamed of.

Powell lost his right arm in the Civil War, and he would have understood perfectly what work was done by two “one-armed” NASA’s Mars rover and control them from Earth scientists. In January 2004, Spirit and Opportunity landed on Mars – so began the search for traces of water, probably once existed on this planet.

In the days of Powell’s geologists interested in how the water source pink rocks of the Colorado Plateau, created in him a maze of canyons. These days, experts are studying its role in shaping the landscape of the Red Planet. In 1869, a motley company led by Powell against all odds managed to survive in an almost-hundred-day journey through deadly rapids. Like these brave, the rovers continue to function normally much longer than their designated 90 days. Field geologist Powell, his only hand split the stones and took notes, and rovers with trehsustavnogo manipulator controlled with a camera and a special cutter needed for sampling rocks.

Field research – here’s the main thing that brings the rovers and the old Powell. To geologists, a term he says about the discoveries made after the hard work when you yourself collect samples for compromise rocks and extracts minerals from the earth’s surface.

Field studies give scientists the opportunity to speak with confidence about the geological structure of landscapes, which previously they could only see from afar. Studying the structure of the Grand Canyon, visiting the colorful layers of limestone, sandstone, marble, slate, volcanic rocks and gneiss, Powell climbed the cliffs at kilometer altitude. When he prevailed over the rise to the top, his eyes appeared as a vast panorama of the canyon, and he could sketch in a notebook the plan area. In addition, he accurately determined, from which rocks are distant rocks, based on the color and consistency of their constituent layers. So today, thanks to data obtained by the two rovers, scientists were able to analyze images taken from orbit the Red Planet.

Take, for example, meandering channels are visible on the surface of Mars Withered. They are so similar to channel vast parched rivers, that the assumption of the existence on Mars in some distant era of water seemed justified. However, evidence that was not there. Some scholars have argued that the channels could pave the cold streams of liquid carbon dioxide. Others said that Mars has never been enough of a mild climate and therefore in the liquid state of water could proceed only on a very short time. This is confirmed by the absence of powerful deposits of limestone and other carbonate minerals, which must be left, if Mars had once existed a warm, rich in carbon dioxide atmosphere. But now the rovers Spirit and Opportunity have found direct and conclusive evidence that Mars once was splashing water.

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